Getting Started


Most projects in Dubhe are started by running pnpm create dubhe [project name], but for this tutorial we’ve included some initial code to get you up and running quicker. This includes React components and base TailwindCSS styles.

  1. Fork or clone from the MonsterHunter starter kit repo. You can use the command below.
git clone
  1. Install the dependencies and start up the Dubhe services (sui node, indexer, and client).
cd MonsterHunter && pnpm install && pnpm dev
  1. At this point you can play the game to see the finished game. Open the game in your browser. By default the game is at http://localhost:3000.

  2. Click the map to spawn at a specific location and move using the arrow keys. Note that on each block you can only move one space, and the block time on the anvil blockchain is one second.